How long should your tank sender be?

How do you decide which length sender you need?

For fuel & water senders we recommend a sender about 1" - 2" (25 - 50mm) shorter than the tank.

For holding tanks (black water) the sender should be no longer than 75% of the overall length of the tank.  



If you have a tank that is an odd size or shape we can manufacture senders in custom lengths to suit.

We can make senders any length from 150mm up to 2.5m+.  

We can also calibrate senders to account for the shape of the tank.  

If you would like a custom length or calibrated sender please send us an email with the specifications of the length and shape of the tank.  We will reply with a quotation as soon as someone has done the maths!  If you would prefer to talk to someone on the phone, please call +44 (0) 1404 881 810.


NMEA 2000

All of our standard & custom senders can be plugged into an NMEA 2000 signal convertor box to make them compatible with the system.  Please send us an email or give us a call on call +44 (0) 1404 881 810 to discuss the NMEA 2000 system.